Since 1909
Director Guidelines
The Pacific Logging Congress (PLC) is an association of forestry contractors, mill managers and timberland owners. The PLC offers a venue to enhance their trade skills, business insight and premier opportunity to network with industry peers.
The PLC supports the future of logging and our industry, investing time and money educating the youth of the West on the benefits and career opportunities within the forest industry.
We create a public awareness of sound, responsible forestry, offer age-appropriate instruction programs, provide industry continuity through educational scholarships, and conduct live, in-woods logging demonstrations for students, contractors and the general public.
The members of the PLC Board of Directors represent forest industry sectors and are individuals with leadership positions within those businesses, organizations, agencies and other entities. They shall represent a diverse geographic area within the traditional PLC coverage area of the Western US and British Columbia.
1. Attend 75% of scheduled Board and assigned committee meetings.
2. Join and actively participate in at least one standing committee of the Board.
3. Notify the president, committee chairman, or the executive director when you are unable to attend meetings.
4. Act as an ambassador of the PLC in the community and within business groups in which you are involved.
5. Educate yourself and remain updated on current industry issues and PLC activities.
6. Be prepared for Board meetings by staying informed about Board matters, reviewing materials sent in advance of the meetings.
7. Get to know and respect other Board members, building collegial relationships that contribute to effective decision making.
8. Act and vote on behalf of the long term interests of the PLC, and not solely on the interests of your business or interests.
9. Avoid conflicts of interest. If a conflict on a particular issue is unavoidable, disclose the conflict and remove oneself from discussion and/or vote on that issue.
10. Read, understand and observe an all aspects of the PLC and Pacific Forest Foundation (PFF) Anti-Trust Statement.
1. The Executive Board is required to meet twice a year and the Board of Directors meets only once a year. One meeting is the Summer Directors’ Meeting which combines PLC business with a field trip, usually to the president’s operations and/or area. This meeting serves as a scheduled Executive Board meeting and the general board is invited to attend, but it is not mandatory. The second meeting is the Annual Directors’ meeting held in conjunction with the PLC. All executive board and board of directors are expected to attend.
2. Committees meet with some variance based upon needs as determined by the Chair, specific projects and desired deliverables.
3. Members are encouraged to perform ambassador duties as part of their regular job functions and through existing professional networks.
4. The PLC President provides a PLC message at each of the (6) regional conferences:
A. Truck Loggers Association
B. Sierra Cascade Logging Conference
C. Oregon Logging Conference
D. Redwood Regional Logging Conference
E. Olympic Logging Conference
F. Intermountain Logging Conference
1. All PLC members, including board members are responsible for annual dues and meeting registration(s).
2. All PLC members, including board members are not reimbursed for any travel, hotel or meal expenses.
3. All PLC members are not compensated for their donations of time.
Because the Board also represents a vast area, it is unreasonable to expect the Board to meet often. The Executive Board is required to meet twice a year and the Board of Directors meets only once a year. One meeting is the Summer Directors’ Meeting, which combines PLC business with a field trip, usually to the president’s operations and/or area. This meeting serves as a scheduled Executive Board meeting, the general board is invited to attend, but it is not mandatory. The second meeting is the Annual Directors’ Meeting held in conjunction with the PLC, all executive board and board of directors are expected to attend.
The PLC Board of Directors consists of approximately 60 members. One-third of the terms expire every year.
All new director nominations are made by PLC board members or the PLC Executive Director and given to the Nomination Committee chairman. All candidates are voted on by the PLC board for approval. Preference is be given to loggers and those providing the greatest current or potential contribution to the PLC and the forest industry.
Director positions with terms expiring should be filled within the first quarter of the new year. Nominations can be made throughout the year for all open positions.
No PLC director has an enduring obligation beyond their term unless they are asked and pledge to join the executive committee as a Vice President, at which time they will be included within the PLC executive ladder of responsibility advancing one level annually on a 7-year track from 3rd Vice President to President to 3rd Past President. Upon invitation at expiration, directors can extend their term for an additional 3-year term.
The Executive Committee is composed of the last three past presidents of the PLC, the current president (serving as chairman), first, second and third vice presidents, a secretary-treasurer, and an allied (equipment) industry representative.
Directors are appointed to one or more established committees or a special ad hoc committee. Directors are expected to attend committee meetings in person or via a conference or video call and participate in the work and duties of these committees. Review all committees on the table on Page 4 and5.
Chairman – 2nd Vice President
This chairman works with the current president to solicit monetary sponsorship commitments from PLC members and industry suppliers and affiliates to help offset the total cost of our annual convention. Beginning in January, the goal is to solidify 80% of all required commitments by June,
finalize the budget by August. This chairman works with PLC members and Industry suppliers to solicit auction items to generate funds to support our 501 (C) (3) non-profit, the PFF. The goal is to solidify 80% of all required auction commitments by August, finalize the list by October. The 4th Vice President acts as an assistant to share the time obligation required. Additional directors can be added to this committee as required. The Executive Director (ED) will consolidate both auction and sponsorship lists and invoice sponsorships within the week of the commitment.
ED ANNUAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Chairman – 3rd Past President
This committee reviews annual performance and goal attainment of the PLC and the ED and balances the association’s financial viability with our ability to provide an annual increase commensurate with industry averages. This 4 member committee includes the Treasurer, current President and 1st Past President. If a conflict of interest is present, that member will be excused and a replacement will be selected by the committee.
FINANCE COMMITTEE Chairman – Current PLC President
This group has a fiduciary responsibility review the PLC’s financial viability and provide direction when needed. This 5-member committee includes the Treasurer, and both the 1st and 2nd Past Presidents.
IN-WOODS SHOW PLANNING COMMITTEE Chairman - 3rd Vice President
This committee is formed immediately following the previous In-Woods show and is chaired by the conference president in the year the In-Woods show is held. The chairman is responsible for the site selection with consideration given to the prescribed harvest plan and anticipated vendor and machine type on display. Areas for active harvesting, forwarding, skidding, processing, loading, chipping and grinding must be considered. Plans must be in place to address: emergency medical attention and evacuation; logistics and parking for school buses and exhibitors; restroom facilities; food vendors; heavy equipment move-in and move out logistics; show safety at exhibits and on trails; show registration; site prep prior to vendor arrival; a site / vendor allocation; educational exhibits; show messaging and advance promotion; community involvement; government; civic and community leaders; required permits, etc. The responsibility of the planning for this event will be shared and assigned to committee members by the chairman. All directors are expected to attend this event and assist with the tasks that are required.
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Chairman – 4th Past President
An annual membership drive is conducted to promote the PLC and create awareness within our industry. This committee includes the 2nd VP and the 2nd Past President. Additional directors can be added to this committee as required.
MENTORship COMMITTEE Chairman – 2nd Past President
This committee pairs each new director with an existing PLC Director to answer questions, guide them and introduce them to other PLC members. Additional directors can be added to this committee as required.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE Chairman – 1st Past President
This committee is responsible for keeping our board of directors staffed with active directors committed to the association and the industry. This committee includes the Allied Industries Director and the immediate past presidents of the logging conferences. Additional directors can be added to this committee as required.
Chairman – Communication Director
This committee is responsible for developing a electronic newsletter that is emailed to PLC members 2-4 times per year. The content should include topics of interest, current events and member profiles. This newsletter provides continuity and connects or membership in between PLC events.
Responsible for keeping PLC’s ongoing work in front of the public. This includes items such as social media, booths at industry shows, press releases, etc.
This committee includes the 1st Vice President, 1st Past President, the Executive Director, and a minimum of (2) additional Directors.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairman – 1st Vice President
This chairman works with the current president to find provocative speakers to talk on current topics of interest within our industry. The goal is to keep all topics at a high level for broad based appeal and leave the local issues to the regional conferences. Timeline - work to complete the program by April to secure the speakers and maximize the promotion of the annual convention. The 3rd Vice President acts as an assistant to share the time obligation that is required.
Current PLC President
When annual scholarship funds are available through the Pacific Forest Foundation, this committee evaluates the PFF scholarship applicants and makes a recommendation to the PFF. This committee includes the entire Executive Committee plus the Communications and Allied Industries Director.
Also tasked with developing, distributing and monitoring education to students, teachers, the public and politicians. This includes such things as the Adopt a High School Program, teaming with others organizations to assist with outreach, etc.
STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE Chairman – Appointed by the current PLC President
This committee evaluates the dynamics of the association with an eye on the needs in the future. This committee should be formed on an annual or bi-annually basis. A final report should be prepared and presented to the Executive board. Committee preference should be given to include directors who are loggers. This committee should include the 1st Vice President and the treasurer plus other directors as required. Estimated committee membership will include 6-8 directors.
Pacific Logging Congress & Antitrust Laws Prevention of Antitrust Violations
The economy of our country is based on free-market competition. Antitrust laws are designed to preserve and promote the free competition that the country depends upon for economic health.
Exchange of many kinds of information between members of the Pacific Logging Congress (PLC) and the Pacific Forest Foundation (PFF) concerning common problems is perfectly proper and legal and is essential in order of the PLC/PFF to fulfill its legitimate purposes. There are, however, subjects which are not proper for discussion either directly or indirectly by PLC/PFF members.
A number of laws have been enacted that regulate the types of things that may be discussed when competitors get together. These include: The Sherman Act of 1890; Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914; and Clayton Act of 1914. All of these laws are written in broad language and exact determination of their meaning has been left to the courts. A law of precedents, therefore, has evolved.
In order for a violation to occur, two factors must be present. First, there must be an agreement or combination between parties. This can be written, oral or implied. Second, there must be restraint of trade, or actual tampering with the “marketplace”. Several activities have been declared “pre se” violations; that is, they are of themselves illegal. Several of them are:
Agreement to fix price, Divide markets, Allocating production, Imposing boycotts
Once the appearance of illegality has been created, it may be difficult to prove that an activity was lawful, even where no illegal action is intended. The best defense is to remain above suspicion.
1. Do not discuss prices or terms of sale or purchase of any product.
2. Do not participate in any conversation at which fixing price is discussed, either directly or indirectly.
3. Do not discuss any information relating to current or future prices to be charged or paid for products / services to be bid on purchase contracts.
4. Do not attend or participate in collateral meetings (“rump sessions”) prior to, during or after scheduled PLC functions or meetings.
5. Do not enter into sensitive areas such as price or cost in any meeting, personal or emails communication, telephone conversation or in writing, where competitors are involved.
6. Do not make any agreement, written, oral or implied concerning cost or prices, procurement areas or territories, etc.
7. Do not make threats or any implication of boycott against a competitor, supplier, or other member of the industry.
8. Do become aware of an abide by any consent judgments that affect your company.
In order to assist in this effort, the PLC/PFF pledges a peer review of all agenda items prior to a PLC/PFF meeting and to guide the meeting and keep meeting minutes.
Remember, there can be no agreement, express or implied, which restricts any industry member’s freedom to make independent decisions in matters that effect competition or the free market. All members must be sensitive to potential antitrust violations. Self-policing efforts are a must. In order to continue unhampered in pursuit of our legitimate goals, we must remain within the law.